Passenger Cars & LCVs

MarketingPROIndustriesPassenger Cars & LCVs

MarketingPRO serves premium manufacturers globally, through its wide-spread presence on more than 40 markets worldwide.

We not only provide industry outlooks: we provide a wealth of ideas, strategic inputs, experiences and insights and keep our customers constantly in the know about market trends, recent developments and competitive positioning. At MarketingPRO, we are able to focus on key topics, core issues and industrial mega-trends, providing realistic and in-depth market analysis and strategic inputs.
It is not a secret that the Passenger Cars & Light Commercial Vehicles industry is going through turbulent evolution in terms of modifications in the supply-chain architecture, market conditions and technological changes. The changing conditions in the global passenger cars industry can be summarized in few mega-trends that have been emerging in the last years. We refer to the industry consolidation, the gradual transfer of design and development from OEMs to suppliers, the technological evolution, the increased need for knowledge management and innovation and definitely to the search for strategies that can increase the level of profitability, based on market conditions.
MarketingPRO services give tangible contribution to improve the marketing and pricing strategy that lead our customers to higher profitability and competitive capability, at the same time.

We have matured wide-spread capabilities with concern to the following areas of service:

  • Intelligence re. new vehicles pricing and product development.
  • Intelligence re. the aftersales pricing (spare parts, accessories, cost of ownership, service packages,
  • care care services, etc..).
  • PEST and SWOT analysis.
  • Mystery Shopping & Phantom Purchasing.
  • Price surveys concepts and tender preparations.
  • Market-driven pricing models.
  • Market potential analysis.
  • Customer segmentation.
  • Marketing planning.


Global49+ World Markets

MarketingPRO action is spread over 49 countries worldwide, covering the most dynamic markets across Emea, Americas and Asia-Pacific.

About us

About usScientific Marketing

MarketingPRO is the Global Competitive Intelligence Consultancy, supporting international companies with market researches around the world.
