
Price Elasticity

Is your company’s expertise truly accomplished when it comes to measuring the price elasticity of your products, meaning the sensitivity of the demand-volume to changes in price?

If your answer is yes, then you know the relevance of understanding price sensitivity to place a premium on discerning the competition, the buying process, and the uniqueness of your products and services in the marketplace. The less price sensitive your customers are, the greater control you have over your pricing; on the opposite, the more price sensitive they are, the more you need to monitor your competition and the market to ensure that you remain competitive. If your answer is no, then your company is likely exposed to higher risk of undefined pricing, weak positioning and, all in all, low-end profitability. So, do not hesitate! Let’s start implementing MarketingPRO ad-hoc Price Elasticity Test and Analysis: determining the pricing “sweet spot” is the base for long-term revenues.
So, whatever the answer is, MarketingPRO is your ideal partner!

Marketing is the science of predicting how customers will respond to company’s offer: when it is a matter of taking price decisions, it is thus fundamental to figure out their potential impacts on sales and, consequently, on company’s revenues and profits. MarketingPRO exploits qualitative and quantitative methods, both based on company’s sales figures, current market data and focus groups or experts’ interviews in order to derive accurate Price Elasticity measurement. Make sure that your price changes are not a shot in the dark: take the best informed decisions.

Thanks to our multi-year global experience in the Automotive, Trucks, Agriculture, Construction and Handling Equipment industries, etc.. you will benefit from accurate and analytical support to derive elasticity / sensitivity measuring of your products and services: this is at the base of your pricing decisions process.

Why are MarketingPRO Price Elasticity Analyses so distinctive? It’s all about the followings:

  • Price Elasticity as part of the Price strategy process.
  • Helps Customers tracking substitute competitive products.
  • Get Customers to obtain tangible profit quick-wins out of price re-alignment.
  • Help recovery missing marginality.
  • Gain competitive advantage over other market players.
  • Definition of the impact of Elasticity on the global-pricing and the local-pricing process.
  • Discrete, customized and impartial evaluations and examinations.
  • Specialized skills and expertise combining with external perspective.
  • Metrics and KPI review: high-end monitoring and reporting.
  • Top-notch presentation capabilities and results discussion at leading Customers.
  • Tangible results matched with safe deadlines.
  • Availability to determine incomes on standard fee-based contract, or “no-cure-no-pay” schemes.
  • Best-in-class Customers retention.


Global49+ World Markets

MarketingPRO action is spread over 49 countries worldwide, covering the most dynamic markets across Emea, Americas and Asia-Pacific.

About us

About usScientific Marketing

MarketingPRO is the Global Competitive Intelligence Consultancy, supporting international companies with market researches around the world.
